Project Declaration Form

Project Details
Which product groups are used at the project?
Contractor Company Details
Responsible Person Details
Contact Person Details
Safe Installation Check-List
Are you sure that all pipes, fittings and valves are stored, transported and used in accordance with the instructions in the “Product Data Sheets”?
This field is required.
Are there any deformations, such as broken, cracked, crushed, that you notice in the products used visually?
This field is required.
Did you cover all open ports with blind plugs?
This field is required.
Did you bleed the system before starting the pressure test?
This field is required.
When you started the pressure test, did you check the plumbing with your naked eye and make sure there were no drips or leaks?
This field is required.
Did you test the installation with a double pressure of 2 times the lowest nominal pressure specified on the products for 4 hours?
This field is required.
Did you test the installation with the nominal pressure value for 24 hours after the 4-hour test?
This field is required.
Did you test the installation at working pressure for 48 hours after the 24-hour test?
This field is required.
Does your installation have a manometer?
This field is required.
Did you notice a decrease in the value of the manometer as a result of the 24-hour test?
This field is required.
Please upload as many images as possible, including project general plan photos, installation details, details that you think may pose a problem.
This field is required.
This field is required.