What is Pressure Test in Plumbing?


Leak testing is a compulsory procedure that is pregnant before use can open a permanent installation. It should be known that in case of any leakage that may occur in the installation, the building structural elements will be damaged. If the tightness test is successful, the installation is considered to be under warranty. Leak test should be done without covering the pipes. It should be ensured that all valves are closed before the test starts.


Why is Leak Testing Important in Plumbing?


The water leak test is considered as the guarantee of the system's perfection after the installation of the installation. The possibility of leakage is at the lowest level in an installation completed with appropriate pipes, fittings and correct installation rules. Leakage that may occur as a result of faulty installation, wrong pipe and fitting selection, damages all installation parts and the area where it is applied, resulting in modification costs. In this case, it should be done; After the assembly is completed, it is to make sure that the pipes are working correctly by applying a leak test before the pipes are covered.


How is Leakage Test Performed in Plumbing?


Leak test with water is the most widely used and most accurate method. When starting the leak test, a small amount of water should be given to the installation and the flax etc. in the pipe should be removed. waste must be disposed of.


1- Water is pumped into the installation with a trial pump.

2- The test pressure is expected to be at least 1.5 times higher than the operating pressure.

3- Leakage test is applied to the installation that reaches the desired pressure by closing the valve on the test pump. The duration of the water pressure test is 10 minutes.

4- If there is no leakage until the end of the period and the pressure does not decrease, this stage is considered successful. However, if it is observed that the pressure decreases in the manometer, it is understood that there is a leak.

5- In this case, it is necessary to detect the leaking pipeline and intervene in the leaking part.

6- If no leakage is detected, the process is continued with a 24-hour test under the same pressure.

7- Finally, making sure that there is no leakage, the pipes are fixed and covered with cement mortar.


Leakage Test with Air

Although the air leak test is not as common as the water leak test, it is a method used in certain situations. It is known that this method is mostly used in very cold climates. In this method, the leaking parts are detected with soap bubbles. The air pressure of the installation under test should not be less than 2.5 kgf/ cm².



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